I've been saying this for a while, presence over potential. It's a nice phrase to keep coming back to what is true. What is true in each moment? It's so easy for our brains (and hearts honestly) to project into the future. Whether it be with a person, a relationship, a scenario, a job, a wave, doesn't really matter… What a teaching it is to zoom in and focus on what is present. Not what you think or hope or see as “potential,” which can be a very slippery slope of expectation and upset. But also, as I write this, I question, if we make the effort to stay present and not project into future potential, where is the balance to move forward towards ambitious expansion? How can we live in this duality of moving forward, as nature (naturally) does, while also accepting and living in the moment of what is true. Now. How can we find the balance of manifesting our futures and looking forward with visionary trust while also being dropped in? An exciting game of cat and mouse, much like being between set waves.
For me, a pathway to practice this is to tune into my body, focusing on my breath and focusing on my feet, I am able to ground and land and be more in me. That is what I know is true, my breath.. And the more I come back to myself, I can feel my system become more present and rooted into the moment and windows within me, in which I experience the outside world, get a little wash of clarity.
This is an interesting space to ponder in many areas of life, but let’s take relationships for example. Friend, lover, colleague.. Our heady energy is where dreams and thoughts and ideas can start swirling around. Wisps of potential creating appetizing illusions. It is sooooo important and soooooo hard to come back to myself again and again so I can truly see and feel what is true. What is actually right in front of me. The capacity and will of that person. Their human wholeness. All the parts of it. Not just the ones that feel good to see. How are they willing to show up (or not)? Watching and witnessing how easy it is to project all my own wants and desires and needs onto the other. Such a deep practice of acceptance to observe the other for what is true in their presence.
After all, if we can truly be present with ourselves, our reality and the other, is it more accessible to grow (into potential) together? Let me know what you find out in your RYME research, babes.