Head vs Heart

Head vs Heart

Yesterday I was in my head. I had a conversation that felt a bit stagnant, like a dead end. Where understanding & connection seemed like a world away. I realized later it’s because I wasn’t speaking (or listening) from my heart. I was stuck in thoughts that were actualized and nourished not by presence but by old patterns, fears, beliefs. Of course I talked to my trusty bestie (Loes!) and she said this:

Trust what is there. Your history shows that everything always works out. Have trust in that and let that guide you. Your mind is projecting to protect you but you can trust your presence.

It’s normal that we experience ups and downs. Our systems are always trying to keep us safe. It’s in our DNA. The key is to have the awareness that we can also create the space to choose our path. We don’t have to be stuck in limiting beliefs, or let the past guide us (or keep us stagnant). We don’t have to be stuck in our heads, misaligned from our truth, our presence.

As our beloved YP says:

“Too many of us project our old conditioning onto new situations. Reactions happen quickly and are based on past perceptions; they make it challenging to process what is happening in an unbiased and objective manner. If you want to see things clearly, use your self-awareness to intentionally set the past aside and take in a fresh perspective. Redirecting your attention preserves your energy.”

-pg. 38 / Clarity and Connection

I returned to this conversation with exactly that, more clarity and connection. With a greater self awareness and with the space to express from my heart. It felt millions of miles away from that first dead end.

Part of why our retreats are potent and powerful because Loes + I are always ‘doing the work’. We are playing with our energy, talking things through, expressing and supporting each other throughout our processes. We create space for all of our emotions (even the non logic ones) and cheer each other on. These awareness and conversations and ideas and experiences and expansions are sprinkled throughout our days, our lives. Within our online meetings, as themes of yoga classes, as guides for our personal relationships, as frameworks for our careers.

When we create and hold space for you on a RYME retreat, we are 100% present + authentic learning alongside you.

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