Finding Clarity & Connection in Portugal: A reflective excerpt from a past RYMER.

Finding Clarity & Connection in Portugal: A reflective excerpt from a past RYMER.

By Danielle Cullivan

In this powerful RYME wellness retreat, I discovered the importance of making space for joy, embracing change, and prioritizing well-being.

A Much-Needed Reset

Little did I know, the retreat was more than just yoga. RYME incorporates multiple wellness modalities–yoga, meditation, acupuncture, energy awareness, and hypnotherapy–all to provide that much-needed reset. RYME was founded by two remarkable women–each specializing in a unique wellness area. Hanna is the medicinal movement facilitator, and Loes focuses on mindfulness and other healing modalities. They work together with each one individually–meeting you where you are in life, at any level of practice. Although I was new to yoga, I enjoyed the yoga practice since it was tailored to each person’s comfort level. Each session included discussion and insights from Yung Pueblo’s book, Clarity and Connection, further facilitating that deep inner work. This truly was a holistic experience, and they made every little detail count.

Read the whole text by visiting her blog (which she had been working on for years but finally had the trust and space to launch post RYME retreat!

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